- What are the disorders affecting brain, brainstem, diaphragm, and intercostals muscle ( ICM)?
A primary brain tumor is a group (mass) of abnormal cells that start in the brain. * Brain tumor - metastatic (cancer that has spread to the brain)
* Brain tumor - children
- Causes :Primary brain tumors include any tumor that starts in the brain. Tumors may be confined to a small area, invasive (spread to nearby areas), benign (not cancerous), or malignant (cancerous).Tumors can directly destroy brain cells. The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown. This is because they are rare, there are many types, and there are many possible risk factors that could play a role.
- Symptoms may include: falls Decreased sensation of a body are Double vision, decreased vision Emotional instability, rapid emotional changes Fever (sometimes General ill feeling Headache -- a persistent headache that is new for the person, worse on awakening Hearing ,Loss of memory, impaired judgment, Personality and behavior change.
- Exams and Tests : A doctor can often identify signs and symptoms that are specific to the location of the tumor. Some tumors may not show symptoms until they are very large and cause a rapid decline in the person's mental functions. The following tests may confirm the presence of a brain tumor and identify its location:
Treatment : Treatment can involve surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Brain tumors are best treated by a team involving a neurosurgeon, radiation oncologist, oncologist or neuro-oncologist, and other health care providers, such as neurologists and social workers. Radiation therapy is used for certain tumors.Chemotherapy may be used along with surgery or radiation treatment.
Other medications used to treat primary brain tumors in children may include:
* Corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone to reduce brain swelling
* Osmotic diuretics, such as urea or mannitol to reduce brain swelling and pressure
* Anti-convulsants, such as phenytoin to reduce seizures
* Pain medications
* Antacids or histamine blockers to control stress ulcers
- Brainstem: Stroke
A stroke is a medical emergency. Strokes happen when blood flow to your brain stops. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. There are two kinds of stroke. The more common kind, called ischemic stroke, is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a blood vessel in the brain. The other kind, called hemorrhagic stroke, is caused by a blood vessel that breaks and bleeds into the brain.
"Symptoms of stroke are: Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg (especially on one side of the body), Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech, Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eye, Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination, Sudden severe headache with no known cause
if you have any of these symptoms, you must get to a hospital quickly to begin treatment. overcome disabilities that result from stroke damage. Drug therapy with blood thinners is the most common treatment for stroke.
- Diaphragm: Pickwickian syndrome
Causes and symptoms: The major cause of Pickwickian syndrome is extreme obesity. This obesity places an excessive load on the pulmonary system. The role of genetics is also being studied. Symptoms of Pickwickian syndrome include excessive daytime sleepiness, shortness of breath due to elevated blood carbon dioxide pressure, disturbed sleep at night, and flushed face. The skin can also have a bluish tint, and the patient may have high blood pressure, an enlarged liver, and an abnormally high red blood cell count.
Diagnosis: Some tests that can be used to diagnose this condition include echocardiography to determine heart enlargement or pulmonary hypertension. . Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, or fiberoptic evaluation of the upper airway may also be used.
Treatment: The primary treatment for Pickwickian syndrome is focused on weight loss and increased physical activity. Also, medroxyprogesterone may help improve the condition.
Prevention: Prevention of Pickwickian syndrome can be achieved by maintaining a healthy body weight and getting the proper amount of exercise. For prevention of the sleep apnea that generally accompanies Pickwickian syndrome, there are several possible treatments. If the sleep apnea is only present when the patient is flat on their back, a tennis ball can be sewn into the sleep clothes to remind the patient not to sleep on their back. For more severe cases of sleep apnea, a tonsillectomy or the use of dental appliances may be recommended.
Intercostals muscle (ICM) Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries usually begin with a blow that fractures or dislocates your vertebrae, the bone disks that make up your spine. Most injuries don't sever your spinal cord. Instead, they cause damage when pieces of vertebrae tear into cord tissue or press down on the nerve parts that carry signals. In a complete spinal cord injury, the cord can't relay messages below the level of the injury. As a result, you are paralyzed below the level of injury. In an incomplete injury, you have some movement and sensation below the injury.
A spinal cord injury is a medical emergency. Immediate treatment can reduce long-term effects. Later treatment usually includes medicine and rehabilitation therapy.
- Conditions that can change your patient intrathoracic pressure within the chest?
Trauma: it is defined as a injury, whether physical or emotionally affected the person. it’s a serious or critical bodily injury, wound , shock. Example: A blast injury is a result of physical trauma sustained in an explosion; it occur with the detonation of higher explosives. These injuries are compounded when the explosion takes place in a confined space.
Deformity of spinal cord: Cervical deformities, including swan-neck deformities and cervical kyphosis, do not commonly develop after cervical laminectomy. Nonetheless, this condition is more frequently seen within certain patient populations, such as patients who have undergone a laminectomy to treat intramedullary spinal cord lesions. Also scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis are deformities.
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