Wednesday, February 3, 2010



  1. Agnosia : inability to recognize objects or person via auditory, visual, sensory, or tactile sensations.
  2. akinesia :complete of partial loss of muscle control
  3. Aphagia : an abnormal neurologic or psychogenic condition that results in the loss of the ability to swallow.
  4. Aphasia : an abnormal neurologic condition in which a person is unable to express oneself through speech and writing.
  5. Apraxia : difficulty in carrying our purposeful movements
  6. Affect: emotional tone, feeling of the outward manifestations of subjective emeotions.
  7. Akathisia : constant motor activity inability to sit down and relax, twitching ( a common side effect of neuroleptic medications)
  8. Anxiety: apprehensive uneasines or dread ( may be marked by physiologic signs, such as sweating, tension, or increased pulse.)
  9. Assultive :threatening to hurt others or actually striking someone
  10. Athetoid : involuntary writings movement of fingers, toes, or extremities.
  11. After-care :continued follow-up and therapy after discharge, especially from chemical dependency treatment or psychiatric hospitalization.
  12. Agonist therapy : drug therapy that uses specific agents to occupy opioid receptors, blocking the ovoid effects.
  13. Alcohol hallucinations :vivid and terrifying auditory, visual, and tactile hallucinations a person may experience during alcohol withdrawal.
  14. Aversion therapy: a psychological treatment that uses adverse conditioning to prevent a person from repeating bad or destructive behaviors.
  15. Blackout :temporary loss of vision and consciousness due to lack blood supply to the brain and retina; sometimes refers to fainting.
  16. Benzodiazepine : class of common antiananxiety medication
  17. Bipolar disorder :severe disorder in which behavior alternates between over activity and depression.
  18. Balking :refusing to do something
  19. Cirrhosis : chronic inflammation and degeneration of an organ, especially cirrhosis of the liver.
  20. Codependent :
  21. Catastrophic reactions : display of agitation that a person with dementia may experience when confronted with a difficulty or overwhelming situation.
  22. Confabulation : unconsciously filling in memory gaps with made-up information, often seen in organic dementias and psychosis.
  23. Confusion : impairment of mental function that causes poor judgment, memory loss and disorientation.
  24. Catalepsy: abrupt attacks of muscular weakness and decreased strength.
  25. Catatonia : stupor and muscle rigidity common in schizophrenia
  26. Cog wheeling ( movement) : abnormal muscular rigor that manifests as jerky movements when the muscle is passively stretched; can be side effect of psychotropic medications.
  27. Compulsion : a repetitive behaviors or mental act that a person feels driven to perform, sometimes constantly.
  28. Cyclothymic: mild form of bipolar disorder ( characterized by less extreme periods of over activity and depression)
  29. Detoxification : process of removing a toxin ( e.g. alcohol ) or its effects.
  30. Dual diagnosis: 2 separate chronic conditions at the same time; has commonly come to mean mental illness, combined with chemical dependency.
  31. Decanoate : inject able long -lasting psychotropic medications
  32. Delusion : a false belief that cannot be corrected by reason
  33. Dyskinesia : involuntary, coordinated rhytmatic movements
  34. Dysthymia : depressive disorder; chronic clinical depression over a long period.
  35. Dystonia : difficulty in speaking
  36. Delirium : a mental disturbance, usually temporary , marked by wandering speech, delusions, excitement, and at times, hallucinations.
  37. Dementia : organic loss of intellectual function ; formerly referred to as organic brain syndrome or senility.
  38. Dysphagia : difficulty in swallowing.
  39. Enabler : a person who cover for and often unknowingly, assists another to continue chemical abuse and codependent.
  40. Echolalia : automatically repeating of what has been said.
  41. Echopraxia : involuntary imitation of the movements of other people.
  42. Entitlement :
  43. Euthymia : normal mood
  44. Factitious :physical or mental disorder that is artificial or made up. With no organic basis.
  45. Forensic : pertaining to legal matters
  46. Functitional disorder :type of mental illness that has no organic cause
  47. Grandiosity :
  48. Huffing : inhalation of volatile substances to provide intoxication and to alter consiousness.
  49. Hallucination : seeing, hearing , smelling , tasting or feeling something that has no objective stimulus.
  50. Hypersomnia : excessive sleep
  51. hyper vigilance : state of increased watchfulness
  52. Hypomania : hyperactive individual who has not reached the level of mania; usually does not require hospitalization.
  53. Intrusive : in psychiatry, a client who interrupts or constantly interferes with others or who invades their personal space.
  54. Liability : something one is requires to do, an obligation often financial ; being found guilty of inappropriate or illegal acts.
  55. Macropsia : objects appearing larger than normal
  56. Micropsia : objects appearing smaller than normal
  57. Malingering : faking illness to staying the hospital or otherwise receive desired attention
  58. Mania : disordered mental state of extreme excitement; extreme and exaggerated hyperactivity as a phase of bipolar disorder ;expansiveness; increased speed of speech and thoughts ; grandiosity.
  59. Milieu therapy : therapy in a comfortable, therapeutic environment.
  60. Mutism : refusal or inability to speak.
  61. Neologism :new word created by an individual that is not actually a word.
  62. Neuroleptic : an agent that modifies psychotic behavior.
  63. Obsession :a recurrent, persistent intrusive thought or belief that the person cannot ignore.
  64. Oculogyric crisis : involuntary backward rolling of the eyes.
  65. Opisthotonos : a spasm in which the head and heels are close together and the body is bowed forward.
  66. Organic disorder : mental illness that is caused by an acute physical disorder.
  67. Organic brain syndrome :irreversible condition that affects cognitive function, now called dementia, formerly called senility.
  68. Polysubstance dependence : individual who is dependent on several drugs.
  69. Perseverate : to dwell on one subject
  70. Phobia : a persistent, abnormal fear or dread
  71. Polydipsia : excessive thirst
  72. Psychiatrist : a physician who specializes in the treatment of mental disorder.
  73. Psychometric : type of testing for mental disorders that includes an in-depth interview and various other tests; also called neuropsychiatry testing.
  74. Psychosis : a mental disturbance in which personality disintegrates and the person escapes into unreality ( more serious than neurosis)
  75. Psychotropic : types of medication that modify moods.
  76. Paranoia : mental disorder in which one has delusions of persecution or thinks others will harm him/her.
  77. pseudo dementia : a condition in which a person appears to have dementia but it actually suffering from depression.
  78. Rapport : a state of harmony or good relationships between two individuals, particularly emphasized in mental health.
  79. Regression :return to a former state , as a child regresses when ill. Regression of a disease process refers to its relief or subsiding.
  80. Refeeding syndrome : illness that results when a starving person receives carbohydrates too quickly, over stimulating insulin production and seriously upsetting electrolyte balance; can be fatal.
  81. Remission : a period in which symptoms of a disease or disorder lessen of abate.
  82. Respite care :care provided for long term or chronic clients so family members can have some time off or time away ( a respite)
  83. Substance abuse: a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment to distress.
  84. Substance dependence :
  85. Senility L se dementia)
  86. Schizophrenia :psychological condition in which person loses contact with reality.
  87. Tardive dyskninesia: a condition that results from long-term use of neuroleptics. A common symptom is obvious mouth and tongue movements.
  88. Tolerance : ability to endure a substance’s continued use, such as of a medication or illegal drug; sometimes refers t increased dosage needed to achieve the desired effect.
  89. Tweaking : methamphetamine user who is sleep-depreived and in acute withdrawal. This person is very dangerous. ( tweaker)
  90. Vulnerable adult : an adult who is intellectually impaired, mentally ill, or otherwise unable to protect himself or herself.
  91. Wernicke -Korsakov syndrome :disorder caused by a chronic deficiency of thiamine, often related to malnutrition due to chemical dependence.
  92. Withdrawal : discontinue of use of a drug.

  1. An older adult is admitted to the hospital. The client exhibits anxiety, severe sleep deprivation, and hallucinations. These data correlate most directly to: delirium
  2. What data findings are associated with the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease? Misplacing things.
  3. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate if you need to determine the client’s functional assessment? : to watch the client’s complete activities of daily living.
  4. A nurse is caring for a client with AD who needs assiatance with dressing. Which of the following measures should the nurse employ for this cleint?: provide clothing with Velcro and elastic waistbands.
  5. A nurse is assessing a client for progressive dementia. Which of the folowing should the nurse assess for in this client? Difficulty with functional skills, impaired arithmetic calculations, loss of language skills.
  6. A nurse is required to assess a client with dementia for signs of paranoid behavior. Which of the following demonstrates paranoia? Client accuses other of stealing her belongings.
  7. A nurse is caring for a client with dementia who is agitated and refuses to take directions. What measures should the nurse employ in this client? Go away briefly and come back later.
  8. A nurse is caring for a client with dementia who needs assistance with daily care. What measures should the nurse employ? Give pain meds before bathing the client.
  9. A nurse is caring for a client with wernicke worse-off syndrome. The nurse might find it difficult to care for the client for which of the following reasons? Belligerent behavior patterns.
  10. A nurse is assisting the physician in assessing a client for dementia. which of the following is part of the assessment during psychometric testing? Determining judgment and planning abilities.
  11. A nurse si employed at a long term care facility caring for clients with dementia. Which of the following nursing diagnosis should be included on nursing care plans for these clients? Ineffective family coping
  12. The nurse is asked to test a client’s skin turgor. What should the nurse assess for by performing this test? Signs of dehydration.
  13. A nurse is caring for a paranoid client with dementia. The nurse should remove which of the following items from the client’s environment? Mirrors, intercoms, lamps.
  14. A clienmt is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of major depression. When talking his or her history, which of the following would be most significant? Thoughts of self esteem
  15. When evaluating the effectiveness of neuroleptic medications, then nurse would monitor for: decreased hallucinations
  16. Prior to the administration of electroconvulsive therapy, the nurse would instruct the client that common side effects of the therapy include: myalgia and headache
  17. The healthcare provider informs the nurse that a client is extremely agoraphobic. The client is fearful of which of the following?: Open spaces
  18. A 31 year old client is hospitalized and kept under observation for several behavioral changes. the physician confirms the diagnoses of obsessive-compulsive disorder and starts the client on bastioned (buspar). What side effects should the nurse watch for in clients receiving buspar? :headache
  19. The healthcare provider prescribes monamine oxidase inhibitors ( MAOI) to a cleint to treat major depression. The nurse is asked to provide cleint teaching regarding the medication. What instructions should the nurse give to this cleint? : tell the cleint not to take over the counter ( OTC) drugs containing symphatomimetic amines.
  20. Aclient accused of serious crime is admitted to the healthcare facility for an extended period. The client is reported to exhibit aggressive behavior and had twice escaped from the facility. Which of the following steps would the nurse employ to prevent the client from escaping? Use-sally-port doors.
  21. A physiatrist nurse is caring for a client with severe psychosis who is being treated with neuroleptics. The nurse is instructed to administer ant cholinergic medications to the client. The client should take this medication for which of the flowing reasons? To prevent the side effects of neuroleptics
  22. A nurse is caring for a client with a mental disorder who was diagnosed with neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) soon after the first administration of neuroleptic medication. Which of the following is considered the most frequent cause of death from NMS. :Respiratory failure
  23. A nurse is caring for a client who is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Which of the following negative symptoms should the nurse expect to find in this client?: withdrawal
  24. A nurse is caring for a client who was recently admitted to the healthcare facility with severe bipolar disorder. Which of the following measures should the nurse employ when assisting client to fall asleep? : encourage use of relaxation tapes, provide a snack before bedtime, administer sleeping pills as needed ( PRN)
  25. A nurse is caring for mentally ill clients in the psychiatric unit. In what capacity should the nurse act to support mentally disordered clients? : socializing agents, support person, counselor.
  26. A mentally disordered client is receiving therapeutic recreation as a part of his psychotherapy regimen. What is the role of a recreation therapists? To encourage the client to engage in games, to take clients on outings, to assist clients in cooking a meal or desert.
  27. A client presents in the ER department with a suspected drug overdose. It is most important for the nurse to: monitor respirations
  28. A client is admitted to the hospital with alcohol withdrawal orders. Which of the folowing medications will the nurse expect to administer during the acute phase to reduce tremors, prevent seizures, and provides sedation? Diazepam ( Valium)
  29. Which of the following statements by a client indicates use of rationalization as a defense mechanism? I can quit whenever I want
  30. Which % of general medical-surgical clients has underlying substance abuse problems? 45%
  31. Which of the folowing indicates that a client is experiencing delirium tremens?: hallucinations
  32. A client is admitted in the morning for same-day surgery. Which of the folowing might be postoperative indicates that the client is undergoing withdrawal from an abused substance? Severe pain, no relief from PRN medication
  33. During the data gathering process, a 30 year old methamphetamine abuser complains to the nurse that he has the sensation of insects and snakes crawling on the skin. Which of the folowing terms should the nurse use to document the condition? :pormications
  34. A client has been prescribed ant abuse therapy for chronic alcohol abuse. Which of the following is true regarding ant abuse therapy? Cough syrups should be avoided during ant abuse therapy.
  35. A nurse is caring for a client with Wernicke-worse-off syndrome. Which deficiency should the nurse monitor this client for? Vitamin B
  36. A nurse is caring for a client with unmanaged alcohol withdrawal. Which of the following symptoms indicates that the client condition is life threatening? Delirium tremors
  37. A nurse is teaching an elderly cleint about the adverse effects of over-the counter (OTC) drug abuse. Which of the folowing drugs can be cited as an example of an OTC drug? Caffeine ( Vivarian)
  38. A nurse is required to care for a cocaine abuser who is in the detoxification process. Which of the folowing withdrawal symptoms should the nurse monitor in the client? Dilated pupils, unreasonable fear and panic, sleep disturbance
  39. A 30 year old client with suspected chronic alcohol abuse is brought to he detoxification center. Which if the flowing symptoms should the nurse monitor to identify the abuse? Palmar erythema, spider angioma,dementia
  40. A nurse is conducting a blood alcohol test for a motorist who is suspected of alcohol abuse. Which of the folowing statements are true regarding the rate of absorption of alcohol?: the absorption rate is faster in women than in men, ranitidine enhances the absorption of alcohol, the ratio of muscle of fat affects the rate of absorption.
  41. A 45 year old drug abuser who is in the detoxification process has developed refeeding syndrome. The excess and rapid introduction of which of the folowing substance is the actual cause of the syndrome? protein
  42. A nurse is required to care for an 40 year old cleint who is receiving acamprostate therapy. Which of the following is true regarding the use of acamprostate? the drug is used to reduce the craving for alcohol

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