Chapter 9, 10, 11,12, 13 ( Rosedahl)
- Binuclear family: a family in which a separation or divorce of the adult partners occur, but both adults continue to assume a high level of child rearing responsibilities.
- Cohabitation: unmarried individuals in a committed partnership living together, with or without children.
- Communal family : family where many people live together, strive to be self -sufficient, and minimize contact with the outside society.
- Commuter family: a family in which both adults are usually professionals, one of whom lives in another city because of the employment, and the partners must travel a long distance, usually on weekends to be together.
- Dual-career/dual worker family: nuclear family in which both parents work outside the home
- Dysfunctional family: family whose coping systems disintegrates as stressors built.
- Extended family: ones family beyond that of parents and siblings
- Family: 2 or more people who are joined together by bonds of sharing and emotional closeness and who identify themselves as being part of the family.
- Foster family : family in which children live with paid caregivers.
- Functional family: a family that uses it’s resource to cope and become stronger under stress.
- Gay or lesbian family : partners of the same sex who live or own property together, with or without children.
- Nuclear dyad: a married couple who live together without children
- Nuclear family: a 2 generation unit consisting of husband, wife, and their immediate children-biological , adopted, or both living within one household.
- Reconstituted family: a family that consists of couple who both have a custody od their children from previous relationships and any new children from this arrangement.
- Siblings: 2 or more people having at least one parent in common.
- Single-adult household : adults who live alone in their own apartments or house with no children.
- Single parent family: a family in which one adult is head of house hold with dependent children. The adult who is single may be single by choice or a s a result of separation, divorce or death.
- Bonding: the development of a close emotional tie, as between parent and a child.
- Cephalocaudal: head to toe-developmental progression in infants
- Cognitive: involving knowledge, understanding and perception in the mind.
- Development : change in body function
- Enuresis: involuntary urine discharge usually occurring during sleep: bedwetting.
- Environment: one’s surroundings the situation in which a person lives ( as opposite to heredity.
- Growth: change in body’s structure or size, formational of abnormal tissue such as a tumor.
- Hereditary: genetically determined transmission from a parent to child, inherited ( not acquired.
- Infancy: a child from 1 to 12 months of age.
- Interdependent: depending on one another; one’s actions occurs because of abother. Activities of various organ systems ( for example the nerves, muscle, and bones are interdependent)
- Masturbation’: handling one’s own genitals for erotic stimulation.
- Newborn: human being in first 4 weeks of life.
- Object permanence: the knowledge that an object seen in a particular spot but temporarily hidden from view continues to exist and will return to view.
- Parallel play : 2 children playing side by side with the same or similar toys, without interacting with each other ( common in toddlers)
- Proximodistal: from the center or core outward ( patterns of development and achievement of motor control of the infant)
- Regression: return to a former state, a s the child regresses when ill. Regression of a disease process refers to it’s relief or subsiding.
- Solitary play : children playing alone with their own toys in the same general area, but not next to each other and with no interaction.
- Stranger anxiety: condition seen in infants and children, in which unfamiliar people, places and events upset them.
- Toddler: a child from 1-3 years in age.
- Adolescence: time between puberty onset and cessation of physical growth.
- Menarche: establishment of menstruation, the first menses.
- Nocturnal emission: involuntary discharge of semen while sleeping.
- Peer group: contemporaries and friends, the group of people with whom one is associated.
- Preadolescence : early adolescence
- Puberty: period in life when a person becomes sexually able to reproduce.
- Generativity : passing on ad sharing skills and younger generations.
- Intimacy: establishing relationships with others.
- Isolation : separation from others or separation of people with Infectious disease .
- Midlife transition: sense that arises in the middle adulthood that others of the same age have achieved more and that one must contribute to society before it’s too late.
- Ageism: prejudice against people based on age
- Gerontology : study of aging
- Mortality : death or rate of death per certain # of population and personal realization that one will die.
- Reminiscence : remembering past joys and successes.
Regression - a child’s behavior may go backward to that of an earlier stage of development
Enuresis-bedwetting-most likely occurs in boys
Pee-ka-bo: child’s play or infant game
Age of toddler: 1-3 years
Maslow’s hierarchy needs: basic needs of all people as a progression from simple physical needs to more complex ones.
Erikson says each individual is a product of interactions among heredity, environment and culture.
Piaget says thta term cognitive-knowledge, understanding, perception. It’s a continuous progression.
Play-(5-10 min) attention span of most infants last about 5-10 minutes
Head to tail-cephalocaudal ( center t outside)
Children’s favorite word: NO
Growth and development occurs in an orderly manner or sequence
Bottle mouth- serious dental condition that results when infants are placed in bed with the bottle of breast milk.
Anticipatory guidance
Object permanence: knowledge than an object seen in a particular spot.
Separation anxiety when child
Sibling rivalry
Family members should try to minimize children’s exposure to threatening elements and images.
- What is the most important etiological factor in developing a dysfunctional family? Poor response to stressors.
- The establishment of a family, childbearing, and childrearing are parts of which stage of the family cycle? Expanding family
- During the separations stage of divorce, development tasks include which of the following ? Adapting to a new living arrangements
- Why it is most important for a nurse to understand various family forms? To provide informed care.
- Which of the following belong to a single adult household? A career oriented young adult.
- The nurse is caring for a client who has given birth. The nurse understands that both p[arents are working and not very stable financially. Which of the following would to e the most appropriate suggestion with regard to caring for the child? Work in different shifts.
- A client arrives at the healthcare facility recombined by her male partner. The nurse understands that 2 are unmarried individuals in a committed partnership. To what kind of family do they belong? cohabitation
- A nurse is caring for a client in his 80’s who is assisted by his grandchildren. Which of the flowing should the nurse suggest to help the client cope with a decline in his physical faculties? Provide adequate diet, ensure sufficient rest, have a good sense of humor.
- According to having Hurst, developmental tasks that must be accomplished by the toddler orr preschool child include: control of the process of elimination
- Concepts of G&D include : growth in an orderly sequence
- The leading cause of death in toddler hood is : motor vehicle accidents
- What are the 3 important theories that a nurse should identify for understanding , explaining and predicting behaviors in children : Erikson’s theory , piaget theory, having Hurst theory
- Which of the following should the nurse identify as a common fear faced by preschoolers : darkness
- What are the characteristics displayed by the infants during the preoperational phase: child investigates and explores the environment
- What kind of play do older school aged children indulge in? structured games with defined roles.
- What should a nurse communicate to parents about how they can offer anticipatory guidance in their child’s G & D? : recognize the child’s pace of learning abilities.
- What is the most important psychosocial challenge experienced by an infant? : trust in primary caregivers.
- A nurse is caring for an infant who has been diagnosed with nursing bottle mouth. The nurse knows that which of the following is the effect of nursing bottle mouth? Serious dental condition.
- What instructions should the nurse give to caregivers in order to handle toddler tantrums in the public ? remove the child from public views
- What instructions should the nurse gives in order to handle a toddler’s separation anxiety? : deal with the toddler firmly.
- What advice should the nurse offer to a caregiver whose preschooler is experiencing sibling rivalry: individual attention
- According to having Hurst, the primary task of adolescence is to : grow up
- Which of the following behaviors would the nurse expect to see during late adolescence? : dealing with everyday issues.
- Which strategy would be most effective when teaching adolescents about risk taking behaviors?: make the adolescent aware of the consequences of risk taking behaviors
- A client reveals to the nurse that she was involved in homosexual activities during her adolescence and that now she is interested in a male friends but is afraid to have an intimate relationship with him because of her sexual history. What should the nurse explain to the client to allay he fears? Homosexual activities at an experimental level do not affect heterosexuality later.
- While taking care of a teenager in the early adolescence stage, what behavior of the client should the nurse anticipate? Childish way of appearing, thinking and behaving.
- The mother of a teenager is worried because her son does not listen to her and makes his own decisions in almost all matters. What advice should the nurse give the client? : making independent decisions is a natural task of a adolescence.
- A nurse is assessing a group of clients between 15 and 16 years of age to prepare a survey report on development of adolescence. What relevant characteristics should the nurse include in her checklist. : show increased interest in opposite sex , form ideas about the future, take more responsibility for self care and personal cleanliness.
- The father of a 14 year old girl is worried because his daughter is very inactive and has no interest in school activities that could help her make educational and career choices on future. What should the nurse suggest to the client to solve the problem? : adult encouragement and guidance are needed for skill development.
- A teenage client, while being assessed for fever, reveals the nurse his confusion regarding sexuality. How can a nurse help sexually active adolescents from healthy sexual attitudes? By providing sex education.
- According to Erikson , a 30 year old adult faces which psychosocial developmental challenge? Intimacy versus isolation
- A 47 year old adult expresses concerns of not achieving lifelong goals. The client displays increased alcohol intake and depression. The client is experiencing: A midlife crisis
- Women in their 30s face specific decision related to : childbearing
- A 25 year old client has recently graduated wants to know what he should focus on this point of his life. Which of the following is the best choice for the client?: selecting an occupation
- A housewife in her 30’s complains of regular headache and tells the nurse that she is contemplating a divorce. How should the nurse react? Inform the client about the risk of financial instability after divorce.
- A middle aged client is contemplating retirement. What advice should the nurse give the client: develop interest of hobbies, look for part time work, enroll in university.
- A 25 year old client is wondering why people choose to get married. What should the nurse response include? Marriage provides a sense of protection, provide support during sad times, is required for prestige.
- The nurse is caring for a 53 year old client who is worried that he will not achieve all his professional goals before he dies. What are the consequences of an adult’s failure in resolving midlife crisis that the nurse should consider? Brooding, physical illness, chemical dependency
- Prejudice based on chronological age by labeling and discriminating against older adults is known as: ageism
- According to having Hurst, developmental task for the older adult include: adjusting to decreasing physical strength
- Changing demographics pose which of the following challenges for future healthcare practices: providing quality , cost effective services.
- An elderly client believes that developmental tasks related to social changes can be prevented if older adults continue to stay with their families. Based on the having Hurst theory, what should the nurse tell the client? : developmental tasks focus on necessary adjustments to physical change, they focus on the social changes associated with age, they focus on the acceptance of one’s own mortality.
- A client complains that her 60 year old father is no longer sticking to the day to day routine that he has been following for the past 2 decades. How can the nurse help the client, using levenson’s theory? : explain that her father is choosing modes of living more freely.
- A 55 year old client at an extended care facility asks the nurse for advice on maintaining independence at this stage. What are the psychosocial considerations of maintaining independence? Sustaining health, social, responsibilities, and financial stability.
- A client who has lost his spouse recently is very depressed and needs some consolation. How can the nurse help the client to overcome this condition? Talk To the client about the principles of beliefs and spirituality.
- A 60 year old client is not ready to accept the physician limitations associated with age. What should the nurse instruct the client to do according to Sheehy’s theory? : feel comfortable with life changes to attain dignity.
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