Tuesday, February 2, 2010


EATING DISORDERS BULIMIA NERVOSA • Metabolic alkalosis (vomiting results to decrease hydrochloric acid) • Metabolic acidosis (diarrhea results to decrease bicarbonate) • Dental caries • Wound in knuckles MANAGEMENT • Fluid and electrolyte imbalance • Meal contract • Weight gain for client • After eating stay with client for 1 hour and accompany when going to the comfort room The client with hyperparathyroidism is likely to have elevated calcium levels. This client should reduce the intake of dairy products such as milk, cheese, ice cream, or yogurt. Apples, bananas, chicken, oatmeal, and pasta are considered to be low-calcium foods. Sodium should not be limited for the client with hypercalcemia unless contraindicated for another reason, such as cardiac disease. When sodium is retained, then calcium is lost through the kidneys. STUDYGUIDE OF NUTRITION VOCABLURY
  1. Amino acid : building blocks of protein, comprised mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
  2. Beriberi: : disease of the nervous system that can lead to paralysis and death from heath failure, caused by a severe thiamine deficiency.
  3. Bland diet: diet that is limited to gastric acid stimulants.
  4. Cholesterol : a steroid alcohol founding the animal tissue, needed to produce hormones, vitamin D and bile acids, has been connected with atherosclerotic disease.
  5. Carbohydrate-controlled diet: approach to eating which focuses on consistency in the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially useful in maintaining healthy blood sugar in and fat levels for diabetes.
  6. Disaccharide: a double sugar molecule
  7. Dysphasia : difficulty in understanding or expressing language.
  8. Essential nutrient : nutrient a person must obtain through food because the body cannot make them in sufficient quantities to meet its needs.
  9. Edentulous : absence of teeth
  10. fat controlled diet : approach to eating which focuses on altering both the total amount and type of fat consumed in order to lower elevated levels of blood lipids.
  11. Glycogen: a multiple sugar ( polysaccharide) that is stored in the body; animal starch
  12. Hydrogenated : a liquid oil to which hydrogen has been added to make it more stable and decrease the chance of rancidity.
  13. Hyperglycemia : abnormally high blood sugar
  14. Hypoglycemia: abnormally low blood sugar.
  15. Hyperlipidemia: excess fat in the blood
  16. Kwashiorkor: condition caused by severe protein deficiency.
  17. Kosher : food that has been ritually prepared and served according to Jewish law.
  18. Ketogenic diet : approach to eating that is extremely low in carbohydrates and very high in fat, aimed at controlling seizures, especially in children.
  19. Lipid : Fat
  20. Liquid diet : approach to eating that consists entirely of liquids used mostly during acute illness or certain body disturbances such as gastrointestinal irritation.
  21. Low residue diet : approach to eating composed to foods that the body can abdorb completely so that little residue is left over for the formation pf feces and is prescribed for severe diarrhea, colitis, diverticulitus, other GI disorders, intestinal obstruction and before and after intestinal surgery, also known as fiber controlled diet.
  22. Modified diet: approach to eating that has been specially altered ( whether in vitamins, nutrients, serving , size, etc) to meet the individual needs of client.
  23. Macronutrient : carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  24. Malnutrition : poor intake or inadequate uses of food by the body; faulty nourishment .
  25. Marasmus : partially form of malnutrition usually seen in infants; also called failure to thrive; often due to protein deficiency.
  26. Micronutrient : water, nutrients and minerals.
  27. Mineral : a non organic chemical element or compound vital for building bones and teeth, maintaining muscle tones, regulating body process and maintaining acid base balance. Common minerals in the body include: calcium and iron.
  28. Monosaccharide : a single sugar molecule
  29. Nutrient : substance needed for growth, maintenance and repair of the body.
  30. Nutrient density : significant amounts of key nutrients per volume consumed.
  31. Nutrition : body process of using food for growth and development; the study of food nutrients and diet.
  32. Pellagra : a disease in which the mucous membrane of the mouth and digestive tract become red and inflamed; and lesions appear on the skin due to marked niacin deficiency
  33. Polysaccharide : long chain of many sugar molecule; a complex carbohydrates.
  34. Protein : a group pf amino acids in complex compounds that are vital to life. Protein rich foods are essential to building and repairing all body tissues and include meat, eggs, fish, legumes and dairy products.
  35. Polydipsia : excessive thirst.
  36. Rickets : condition in children caused by lack of vitamin D.
  37. Saturated fat : a fat, such a s animal fat, which already contains its full complement of hydrogen,
  38. Scurvy : disease caused by vitamin C deficiency,
  39. Soul food : cooking style and particular foods commonly eaten by people in the southeastern united states.
  40. Stoma : an opening on a free surface such a s a pore, an artificially created opening between a body cavity and body surface; such as a stoma of colostomy, ileostomy or tracheotomy.
  41. Therapeutic diet : approach to eating that is prescribed as part of the treatment of more than one disease or condition.
  42. Tube feeding :providing liquid nourishment through a tube into the intestinal tract.
  43. Tofu : soybean curd.
  44. Tortillas : round, flat bread made from unleaded flour or corn meal.
  45. Trans fat : process in which a polyunsaturated fatty acid is hydrogenated to make it solid at room temperature. These have fewer essential fatty acids than the original oil because unsaturated fat content is lowered.
  46. Triglyceride : a compound consisting of three molecule of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol, which is the usual form of fat storage in the body.
  47. Vegan : a vegetarian who eats no animal-originated foods. ( a lacto vegetarian eats milk products and ovo vegetarian eats eggs.
  48. Vegetarian: diet based mainly on plant foods. Some vegetarians exclude all animal products from their diet.
  • AI :adequate intake
  • BMI :body mass index
  • CHO: carbohydrates
  • DRI: dietary reference intake
  • DV : daily values
  • EAR : estimated average requirement
  • EER: estimated energy requirement
  • FDA: food and drug adminstration
  • GDM : gestational DM
  • HCL: hydrochloric acid
  • HDL : high density lipoprotein ( good cholesterol)
  • HFCS: high fructose corn syrup
  • IBW : ideal body weight
  • KCAL OR C : kilocalorie
  • LDL : low-density lipoprotein ( bad cholesterol)
  • MUFA : monounsaturated fatty acids
  • PCM : protien calorie malnutrition
  • PKU: phenylketonuria
  • PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • RBC: red blood cells
  • RDA: recommended dietary allowances
  • REE: resting energy expenditure
  • Dat diet as tlerated
  • IV: intervenous or intravascular

  • PEG : percutaneous endoscopic mastectomy tube
  • PPN : peripheranl potential nutrition
  • TPN: total potential nutrition
  1. One purpose of the pyramid framework is to : illustrate the dietary guidelines for American
  2. Fat soluble vitamins are: A, D, E and K
  3. Which of the following are good sources of carbohydrates? Pasta and rice
  4. Which of the following minerals is essential in forming and maintaining bones: calcium
  5. Older adults are at risk for nutritional problems because of : difficulty chewing related to loss of teeth.
  6. From workbook
  7. Which of the following foods would you recommend to someone practicing a pure vegan diet? Fortifies breakfast cereals.
  8. Which foods would you recommend limiting in a black Americans diet to prevent the development of chronic disease? : sodium, fat and sugar
  9. An ova vegetarian includes: plant foods plus eggs
  10. Most Hindus are: lacto-ovo vegetarian
  11. Which of the following would be an acceptable beverage for a Mormon? Fruit juice
  12. Which concept the nurse use when teaching client about the interrelationships among nutrition, activity and diet therapy? My pyramid
  13. Which of the following conditions should the nurse monitor for in a client with thiamine deficiency? Poor appetite
  14. Which of the following would you except in a client with hyperglycemia? Abnormally high blood sugar levels
  15. A client has been instructs t increase thr fiber in his diet by including fibrous foods such as oats, legumes, apples and citrus fruits. What reason should the nurse provide the client for a prescribed diet? : it slows gastric empting time
  16. Which symptom should the nurse monitor for in a client with a fatty acid deficiency? :Dermatitis
  17. What instructions should the nurse offer a client with diabetes that would encourage her to eat less sugar? : replace soft drinks with fruit juice or low fat milk, cook food in very small amount of oil, rely on natural sugars in fruits to satisfy a sweet tooth., cut sugars in home baked products, if possible.
  18. A nurse is assessing a client with retarded growth. Which of the following vitamin deficiency should the nurse identifies as responsible for the client condition? Deficiency of vitamin B 6
  19. Which of the following conditions should the nurse monitor for in a client with a high dietary sodium intake? Hypertension ,cardiovascular disease , osteoporosis
  20. A nurse is caring for a client with high cholesterol. The client is administered a mega dose of niacin. Which of the following side effects of niacin should the nurse monitor for in the client? Flushing of skin, liver damage, hypotension
  21. A nurse is assessing a south American client regarding her dietary practices. What food is nurses more likely to notice in the diet of such a client, compared with a client from north American? fruits
  22. Which of the following are conditions that are most likely to occur in black American client? Hypertension, obesity, diabetes.
  23. A nurse has been asked to plan the diet for a lacto-vegetarian client. What can th nurse include in the diet plan of such a client? Plant and dairy products.
  24. A nurse is assessing a 30 year old client of Cuban origin. Which of the following is the nurses most likely to notice when assessing this client’s diet? Limited intake of milk.
  25. A puerto Rican woman is admitted to a healthcare facility in her 38th week of pregnancy. Being culturally sensitive, what food should the nurse omit from the client’s diet chart? Sour food.
  26. Which of the following vitamins is most likely to be deficient in a vegan client? Vitamin b 12
  27. Which of the following statements indicates a correct dietary response to the condition listed? Increased fluid intake for fever.
  28. A nurse has to help an elderly client feel comfortable during his meals and provide for a secure and safe environment. Which of the following mealtime interventions are most appropriate for the nurse to perform when caring for his client? : visit the client for few minutes , encourage the client to telephone home, turn on the TV or radio.
  29. What should the nurse keep in mind when serving food to a client in a healthcare facility? Present the food in an attractive and appetizing manner.
  30. What type of diet is prescribed for a client with pancreatic and gallbladder disease? Low-fat diet
  31. What nursing interventions should the nurse perform for a client who is receiving nutritional support through the feedings? : administer water in case of in adequate hydration, replace the feeding bad according to the hospital policy, check for signs such as dry mouth or fever.
  32. A client with gastric ulcer has been prescribed a bland diet by the physician . What instructions should the nurse provide to his client? : eat smaller more frequent meals, avoid lying down for 1 hour after a meal, avoid the intake of milk based products.
  33. A client with constipations is prescribed a high-fiber diet. What are the problems associated with a high-fiber diet? Cramping and diarrhea
  34. A nurse is caring for an elderly client in a home care setting. What is the nurses responsibility during routine nutritional care in this case? : conducting nutritional screenings and counseling
  35. Which type of diet should the nurse order for a client with oral problems? Mechanical soft-diet
  36. What precautions should the nurse take while using food trays to help a client meet nutritional needs in a healthcare setting? : ensure the client’s name band matches the name on the food tray, client’s information is checked against the posted diet list,the tray is labeled with the client’s name and room number.
  37. A client who is recovering from surgery has been prescribed supplemental nourishment. When should the nurse provide supplemental nourishment? Between meals
  38. A nurse is caring for a client with the end stage renal disease. Fluid intake is restricted in this client. Which of the following is the most important factor that should be monitored by the nurse? Fluid-intake and output.
  39. When serving a meal tray to a hospitalized client, the nurse should: ensure the client’s name band matches the name on the tray.
  40. Increased fluid intake should be encouraged for an client who’s is in bed a great deal or who has difficulty moving to prevent: bladder infection
  41. When assisting the visually impaired client with eating which of the following is the most important action?: describe the location of foods as if they were on the face of a clock.
  42. The nurse would expect to provide thickened liquids to which of the flowing clients?: person with a swallowing disorder
  43. Which type of diet would be ordered for a client who has oral problems or is edentulous? Mechanical soft
REVIEW QUESTIONS Foods to avoid on low cholesterol diet Suffering from bowel problems food higher in fiber What foods for diarrhea and constipation Full liquid or clear liquid diet if you have diarrhea TPN Sodium contents for all sodium restricted diet If you don’t drink enough fluids with food what are the complications of not enough fluids Lactose-intolerance what are the symptoms Different food groups: foods high in carbohydrates, proteins and starch High fiber foods Amino acids and importance in our body Deficiencies vitamin B1, B 2 and B3 Benefits of breast feedings Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins CAD ( what kind of foods to avoid Head of the healthcare team Cultures and foods different diets Unsaturated, saturated and trans fat Older adults risk for poor nutrition.

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